Marta Rosel Pérez Morales
Química Física y Termodinámica Aplicada
Grupo de investigación
Sobre mí
Marta Pérez Morales is an assistant Professor at the Department of Physical Chemistry and Applied Thermodynamics since February 2009. She got her doctoral degree (2005) in Chemistry from the University of Córdoba and enjoyed several posdoctoral contracts until 2009. I have made several short stays in the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (Göttingen, Germany), the University of Turku (Finland) and Institute for Molecular Science (ICMol, Universidad de Valencia).
My research has been focused on the preparation of organic thin films at the air-water interfase and on solid substrates, their characterization by spectroscopic and/or electrochemical techniques, and their incorporation in nanostructurated devices.
Líneas de investigación
Células solares – Fotofísica
Resultados destacables
Fabricación de un OLED con alta eficiencia
Por afán de encontrar solución a los problemas de la humanidad. Placer de explorar nuevos mundos.
Deseo científico
Colaborar en el avance científico global