Mª Elena Gómez Parra
Universidad de Córdoba
Filologías Inglesa y Alemana
Grupo de investigación
Sobre mí
Dr Mª Elena Gómez is an interdisciplinary researcher working mainly within bilingual and intercultural education. As the Vicedean for International Affairs at the Faculty of Education (June 2006- Dec. 2014), she has developed and run a number of exchanges, agreements and international programs. She teaches Undergraduate Teacher Education students (4th year Primary Education – English) and at Master’s level in the UCO, International University Menéndez Pelayo, and in the University of Málaga. She has already supervised 5 PhDs and more than 15 Master’s Dissertations on bilingual education and teacher training. She is supervising another 11 PhDs and 4 Master’s Dissertations on the same topics.
Elena maintains international links with the University of Manchester (Dr Fay), and Cultnet (Dr Byram). She holds the co-Presidency of RIPRO (Network for Promoting the Research and Innovation on the Teaching Profession). She is the Director of the Research Group HUM-1006 entitled Investigación en Educación Bilingüe e Intercultural – EBEI (Research on Bilingual and Intercultural Education). She is an active researcher who has participated actively on different international projects (ISTEPEC, 2004-2007; ELICIT, 2010-2013; ELICIT+, 2014-2017; Play, Toys and Languages, 2013-2015; and TTIMS 2014-2015).
Regarding research projects, recently she has been a member of a project on the evaluation of Spanish Bilingual Programs funded by the British Council and the Spanish Ministry of Education, and led by the University of Granada (Prof. Ortega); and she was an active researcher in the AHRC-funded project ‘Researching Multilingually’ (http://researchingmultilingually.com). She is nowadays the IP of two research projects, the first of which (entitled LinguApp – PRY 208/17) has been funded by the Centro de Estudios Andaluces (as an organism of the Regional Government of Andalusia, from 01.07.2017 to 30.06.2019); and the second by the Spanish Ministry of Industry and Economy (EDU2017-84800-R, from 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2020).
Prof. Gómez has participated in different International Conferences with papers on bilingual and intercultural education. She has been the President of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th International Conferences on Bilingual Education (2015-2016-2017-2018), and the President of the 1st International Conference on Language Gap and Digital Competence (University of Córdoba, 20th-21st June 2018).
Líneas de investigación
Educación Bilingüe. Educación Intercultural. Enseñanza y aprendizaje de segundas lenguas.
Resultados destacables
Publicaciones, dirección de dos Proyectos de Investigación (IP), organización de congresos internacionales, dirección de cursos para la UIMP, participación en proyectos europeos, dirección del grupo de investigación HUM-1006, pertenencia a comisiones de evaluación.
La investigación es el más claro exponente de la curiosidad que se mezcla con el tesón y la aplicación del método científico
Deseo científico
Que todos los habitantes del planeta hablen fluidamente más de una lengua.