Cristina Cautisanu
Universidad de Granada
”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
Sobre mí
I am a Scientific Researcher at Integrated Center of Environmental Science Studies in the North-Eastern Development Region (CERNESIM) from the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi since 2019. I obtained a PhD in Cybernetics and Statistics and my main area of interest is related to the application of statistical and econometric methods in the study of environmental economics, sustainable development and socio-economic aspects of environmental sciences. I published 21 peer reviewed papers (from which 19 in ISI journals), 7 papers in conference proceedings, had over 40 participations at national and international conferences and I am member in 3 research projects.
Líneas de investigación
The research directions are oriented on the analysis of environmental wellbeing in relation to social and economic wellbeing and of manner in which the principle of sustainable development is put into practice. Among the methods used in my research, there are some specific to time series, panel data and structural equations, applied in programs such as Eviews, STATA, SPSS and R.
Deseo científico
My scientific desire is to take part in the European Researchers Night and to meet new researchers from around the world while discovering their lines of research. Thus, I would like to extend my network of specialists in my domain of interest.