Cristiana Istrate
Department of Engineering and Management
Grupo de investigación
Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi
Sobre mí
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Cristiana Istrate is Head of the Engineering and Management Department and is an expert in Business and production systems simulation, Production Management, author and co-author of 6 books and various ISI or ISI Proceedings indexed articles. She is also specialized in Management, Management of Simulated Firms, Operations Management and Sustainable Development. Up until now she was involved in 7 international grants ( 3 Tempus, 3 Leonardo da Vinci, 1 other) and 10 national grants (2 World Bank, 1 CNFIS, 1 CEEX, 1 IMPACT, 3 POSDRU, 2 PNCDI) such as: IMG-95-RO-1042 TEMPUS –“Simulation du flux de Production”, JEP 11494/96 “Universities’ Delivery of Continuing Education”, IB-JEB-14208/99 “European Dimension in Quality Assurance”, Leonardo da Vinci “i@lim – Interactive Learning for Inovation Management, CNFIS Grant – “Creation of the Doctoral and Masters’ study centre in the field of Management of Technological Change”, CNFIS Grant No 35741 Code 93 – “Creation of the national Romanian Universities’ Simulated Firms network”. Through her teaching activities she keeps a close continuous contact with the industry. Her main interests are: Production management, Productions Systems’ functioning simulation, Leadership and Personal and Professional Development. The latest project she was involved in dwells on the subject of Blended Learning.
Líneas de investigación
Business and production systems simulation
Resultados destacables
When asking about the highlight of my research in business and production systems simulation what immediately comes to mind is the production systems’ performance enhancement in terms of production, productivity and costs in the case of the companies that decide to utilize this tool.
I have always been interested in ways to broaden my knowledge, to be aware of the latest news regarding my field of interest and not only, and, thus, research has helped in this respect. I am still here as I think learning is a never-ending process and I see it more as a journey than a destination.
Deseo científico
What I wish for is to see research as a more valued tool within local companies’ managerial activity and to see the students who have taken part in business simulation courses developing the necessary skills and competences to prepare them for the real business world and enhance their employment opportunities.