Ana Isabel
Universidad de Córdoba
Grupo de investigación
UCAIB Animalario
Sobre mí
Título de técnico especialista en laboratorio de diagnóstico clínico en el año 2006. 10-2006 al 12-2007 trabajé en el departamento de bioquímica y biología molecular del E.T.S.I.A.M. Universidad de Córdoba. 01-2008 al 01-2013 trabajé en el departamento de biología celular, fisiología e inmunología de la universidad de Córdoba. 02-2013 a la actualidad, trabajo en la unidad central de apoyo a la investigación biomédica (UCAIB) de animalario en IMIBIC. Estancia: 5-02-2011 al 11-02-2011 Universidad de Turín (Italia) departamento de endocrinología, diabetes y metabolismo. Artículos científicos: 1-Early overnutrition sensitizes the growth hormone axis to the impact of diet-induced obesity via sex-divergent mechanisms. 2-Identification and characterization of new functional truncated variants of somatostatin receptor subtype 5 in rodents. 3-Cortistatin Is a Key Factor Regulating the Sex-Dependent Response of the GH and Stress Axes to Fasting in Mice. 4-Obesity- and gender-dependent role of endogenous somatostatin and cortistatin in the regulation of endocrine and metabolic homeostasis in mice. 5-Not So Giants: Mice Lacking Both Somatostatin and Cortistatin Have High GH Levels but Show No Changes in Growth Rate or IGF-1 Levels. 6-Role of endogenous cortistatin in the regulation of ghrelin system expression at pancreatic level under normal and obese conditions. 7-Endogenous somatostatin is critical in regulating the acute effects of L-arginine on growth hormone and insulin release in mice. 8-Peripubertal-onset but not adult-onset obesity increases IGF-I and drives development of lean mass, which may lessen the metabolic impairment in adult obesity. 9-Cortistatin is not a somatostatin analogue but stimulates prolactin release and inhibits GH and ACTH in a gender-dependent fashion: potential role of ghrelin. 10-Lack of cortistatin or somatostatin differentially influences DMBA-induced mammary gland tumorigenesis in mice in an obesity-dependent mode.
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