Qasim Farooq
Grupo de investigación
RNM-130 Botánica sistemática y aplicada
Sobre mí
I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Botany, Ecology, and Plant Physiology at the University of Córdoba (Spain). For an aerobiologist, the manual analysis of airborne pollen is time-consuming using his experience and training. More sophisticated techniques are required to test the ability of automatic imagen/holography-based sensors in a monitoring pot in Córdoba (Southern Europe), the first location for multiple automatic pollen monitoring comparisons in a Mediterranean area.
Líneas de investigación
Automatic pollen and fungal spore monitoring
Resultados destacables
Multi-comparison of automatic devices for pollen identification in terms of validation and training indicators
First of all, science is a way of decoding and making sense of the world, and it is about discovering the underlying reasons behind things. I wanted to understand how automatic techniques work for analyzing biological particles, such as pollen grains and fungal spores in the air. Since I began, I have found that the deeper you go, the more interested you become.
Deseo científico
To become a data scientist