
Fotografía de José Expósito Hernandez
Medicina | Granada

José Expósito Hernandez

Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria de Granada


Área de Oncología del ibs.GRANADA
Servicio de Oncología Radioterápica del HUVN

Grupo de investigación

Grupo A06 Oncología Clínica y Biopsia Líquida del ibs.GRANADA

Sobre mí

Dr. José Expósito Hernandez carried out his training in Radiation Oncology in 1983. He got the PhD degree in 1984 (Granada University), thanks to a research focused on in basic studies on hormonal receptor in breast cancer in close collaboration with Joule Bordet Institute (EORTC, Belgium). Mostly of his clinical activity as consultant in Radiation Oncology in Virgen de las Nieves Hospital (VNH) has been centred in lung, soft tissue, and brain tumours as well as and palliative use of radiation therapy.

His research lines include outcomes in cancer therapy, accessibility to best treatment and quality assurance. Since 2017 he is leading several projects about mesenchymal cells in radiation therapy and circulating tumoral cell in collaborations with the radiobiologic laboratory at the Granada University and GENYO centre. As a result, he is co-author of several articles in mayor medical journals (Oncotarget, Breast Cancer Research, Lancet Oncology) and belong to the head team in several research projects (H2020, European commission).

During a period of ten year (1997-2007), he has combined these clinical activities with different management (Medical Director and Head Manager of VNH, Granada, Spain) and cancer policy positions (Director of The Comprehensive Cancel Plan of Andalusia). Additionally, he is full professor (Physics Therapy and Oncology) since 2019 and Head of the Oncology Department in the same Hospital since 2011. This dense professional career has been accompanied by a productive research activity and extensive teaching experience. He is the author of 87 publications published in indexed journals, 22 chapters of books. He has also run learning stay in UK (Royals Marden Hospital, London,1989, Bristol Oncology Centre, and Cromwell Hospital 2019) and Canada (Princess Margaret Hospital and Kingstone G general Hospital, 2010).

Líneas de investigación

Resultados en cáncer

Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al tratamineto.

Biopsia Líquida y marcadores moleculares

Resultados destacables

Publicaciones en estos campos de investigación.


 A través de la dedicación al tratamineto y seguimineto de pacientes oncológicos y sus múltiples facetas.

Deseo científico

Conseguir una verdadera visión multidisciplinar de este y de los demás problemas de salud.

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