
Fotografía de Aurora Inés del Río Cabeza

Aurora Inés del Río Cabeza


Didáctica de la Matemática
Universidad de Granada

Grupo de investigación

Didáctica de la Matemática. Pensamiento numérico (FQM-193)

Sobre mí

I was born in Granada in 1975. I got my PhD in Mathematics by the University of Granada in 2004. I’ve been in
several research stays at differents universities as UniversitéCatholique de Louvain (Belgium), University of California at Riverside (EEUU) orUniversitádegliStudi di Milano (Italy). I am Assistant Lecturer at the Department of

Mathematical Education since 2011 and a member of the research group “Mathematical Education. Numerical
Reasoning (FQM-193)”.

Líneas de investigación

1. Algebraicthinking.

2. Functionalthinking.

3. HomologicalAlgebra.

Resultados destacables

During my years of research, several have been the papers published on scientific journals, and many of them
have been referred and recognized by experts in the area. If I had to highlight one of them by its impact in the
scientific community, it would be the one developed in collaboration with Enrico Vitale and Juan Martínez-
Moreno, “Chain complexes of symmetric categorical groups”. In this paper, we defined the cohomology
categorical groups of a complex of symmetric categorical groups, and we constructed a long 2-exact sequence
from an extension of complexes. As special cases, we obtainedUlbrichcohomology of Picard categories and the
Hattori–Villamayor–Zelinsky sequences associated with a ring homomorphism.


I came into science moved by the need of meeting the challenges of all those issues that always had raised a
deep concern and triggered my curiosity. And I had no choice butstaying to continue finding answer for the new
questions that followed and still continue to emerge.

Deseo científico

That science does notprogressonlyat the mercyof capitalism butbe the driving force behind knowledge and free
development of society.

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